Stories of Hope


Breast Cancer Hero

Katerina was 28 when she was diagnosed. Here, she shares her story:

"On July 30, a biopsy was ordered on a tumor that was found in my left breast. The biopsy was done on a Friday and I was told I'd receive a phone call on Wednesday with the pathology results. My family and friends kept telling me that there was ‘nothing to worry about.’ At 28 years old, I was ‘too young to have breast cancer.’ There’s ‘no alarming medical or family history’ and that ‘it's probably nothing.’ Fast forward to Wednesday. I sat around all day waiting, but I wasn’t overly concerned, because I was repeatedly told not to worry. When the pathologist called to inform me that my tumor was in fact malignant, I didn't believe her. I kept repeating, "I'm sorry, what?" I could hear the worry in her voice as she said, "Do you understand how serious this is?" As I tried to hold back tears, I responded that I did understand how serious the diagnosis was. I felt numb as she explained the next steps.

During my next appointment, I met with my surgical oncologist. She said my tumor was very large and that I’d need a mastectomy. I just kept thinking, "I'm 28 years old. I'm way too young for that!” I had my surgery on August 13.
None of it is easy and none of it seems real. None of us know how unpredictable life is. We think we can predict everything for ourselves, until something like breast cancer comes around and robs you of a part of yourself that makes you, well, you. I hope that my story makes people think about their health and reminds them to appreciate the smaller things. Perhaps, most importantly, it will make you take time for yourself and for your loved ones. I feel that women, especially, need to make themselves a priority. We are oftentimes putting our children, parents, spouses, families, home life and jobs ahead of ourselves. All of those things are important, but none of it matters if we don’t take care of ourselves.
Rays of Hope has done amazing work as far as research, treatments, and offering a variety of resources for survivor assistance. I have a sarcoma, a very rare form of breast cancer. Donating and supporting to Rays of Hope helps the researchers learn more about the many varieties of breast cancer and how to treat each one accordingly. Due to the breakthroughs with research and treatments, some people can now avoid chemotherapy, radiation and certain medications, because of the research that may have been made possible by the funding provided by Rays of Hope! It makes different options for treatment possible!
I was so fortunate to be diagnosed early and to have everything taken care of quickly.”